Герб Република България



Изпълнителна агенция


Investment project 2 “Modernisation of educational infrastructure”

Pillar 1: Innovative Bulgaria

Component 1 “Education and Skills”

Procedure BG-RRP-1.007 – “Modernization of educational environment”

The main objective of the procedure is to create conditions for equal access to education by building an enabling, inclusive, innovative, energy-efficient, supportive, and motivating educational environment that contributes to increasing motivation for learning and self-training and improving the educational outcomes of children and students.

Specific objectives

The specific objectives of the procedure are:

  • Provision of modern facilities that ensure healthy and quality learning conditions in preschool and school education institutions by building/upgrading a safe, environmentally friendly, sustainable, inclusive, attractive, healthy and secure learning, education, and socialization environment for students to develop their potential;
  • Supporting the move to single-shift education in schools that do not have the facilities for such organisation and addressing the shortage of places in kindergardens.


Within the procedure, investments under four components will be implemented for the following activities, which will receive support:

Component 1 and Component 2 - Interventions on existing school buildings:

Activity 1: Major renovation, reconstruction, major refurbishment, extension, and alterations of the school's educational environment to acquire a complete renovation of the educational institution;

Activity 2: Supply and installation of equipment and furnishings for the buildings/rooms (excluding STEM environment) of the school.

Component 3 and Component 4 - Interventions on existing kindergarden buildings:

Activity 1: Major renovation, reconstruction, major refurbishment, extension, and alterations of the preschool educational environment to acquire a complete renovation of the educational institution;

Activity 2: Supply and installation of equipment and furnishing of the nursery buildings/premises.

Eligible final recipients

Eligible final recipients under the procedure for Component 1 and Component 2 according to the number of pupils are municipalities for municipal schools and state schools to the Ministry of Education and Science (MES) from eligible educational institutions (municipal and state schools under Art. 38, para. 1(1), (2), (4), (5) and par. 2 (1) of the Preschool and School Education Act: elementary, primary, unified, secondary and specialized high schools). Under Component 3 and Component 4, according to the number of groups in nurseries, eligible applicants are municipalities for municipal kindergardens.

Total budget

The total amount of funding is BGN 328 817 500, VAT included.

The implementation of the project activities shall be completed no later than 30.06.2026.

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