Project BG05M2OP0011.002-0012 CREATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF CENTRES OF COMPETENCE „Sustainable utilization of bio-resources and waste of medicinal and aromatic plants for innovative bioactive products”
Aim of the project
Development of a modern scientific infrastructure and a laboratory environment to perform R&D for an efficient and environmentally friendly utilization of the medicinal and aromatic plants (MAP’s) and utilization of the agro-bio-waste, as well as the development of innovative products and green technologies to create conditions for sustainable bioeconomic growth in the country and beyond.
The main activities of the Centre of competences are:
- Assessment of the potential of MAP’s and waste biomass for utilization in order to obtain biologically active extracts and natural compounds;
- Development of innovative green technologies for isolation and characterization of natural products;
- Elucidation of the biological activity and the potential of isolated natural products for medicinal use;
- Development of innovative products for improvement of quality of life.
Expected results:
- Development of novel knowledge-based food supplements, functional foods, aromatherapy compositions, as well as medical cosmetics and personal care products based on utilization of MAP’s.
- Development of novel technologies and approaches for complete utilization of the national plant resources and minimization of the waste from plant-processing industries.
The expected benefits of the implementation of the project can be considered in three aspects:
- Green and effective technologies for optimal extraction of valuable components from MAP’s and plant waste will be proposed.
- The project will have an impact on the preservation of the plant biodiversity in the country by developing of smart and mild approaches and technologies for the utilization of the plant resources.
Economical and social:
- Innovative medicinal, cosmetic and food phyto-products will be developed aiming to improve the health and quality of life of the people.
- Implementation of innovative technologies and development of knowledge-based products will be a base for increasing the capacity and competitiveness of the Bulgarian companies to realize their products on the local and European markets.
The project will provide real support and will stimulate farmers from different regions, including economically underdeveloped ones, for cultivating medicinal and aromatic plants as sustainable livelihoods.
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