Герб Република България





Project BG05M2OP001-3.005-0004 Active Inclusion in the Pre-school Education System

Contract: BG05M2OP001-3.005-0004

Procedure: BG05M2OP001-3.005 ”Active Inclusion in the Pre-school Education System“

Beneficiary: Ministry of Education and Science

Title: “Active Inclusion in the Pre-school Education System“



Center for Educational Integration of Children and Students from Ethnic Minorities


Duration: 16 May 2019 – 16 November 2021

Total budget: BGN 82 500 000



The project aims to increase access to pre-school education for children from disadvantaged groups and those living in poverty. Pre-school education is an important period in a child's life with a view to forming a positive attitude towards school and creating motivation for education. The reasons for not enrolling in pre-school education are related to social, economic and ethno-cultural factors such as low income, lack of awareness of the benefits of pre-school education, unemployed adults in the labour market and etc. The project envisages the implementation of a set of measures as follows:

• providing additional training in Bulgarian language to children with a different mother tongue as an effective means of social inclusion in the peer group;

• payment of fees for attending kindergarten as a measure to overcome the economic barrier, which is a main factor for non-participation in pre-school education;

• motivation of parents for active cooperation between family and kindergarten.

A specialized methodology for mastering Bulgarian language from children with different mother tongue will be developed within the project. As another measure of active inclusion, it is envisaged to recruit additional teaching staff and to support children found to be in need.

A training to apply a screening test to identify early learning disabilities will be provided to the teachers in kindergarten. Activities on building skills of non-pedagogical specialists, as well as working and motivating parents for the benefits of pre-school education will support the project implementation. The project envisages the conduction of two national campaigns to motivate parents and to overcome negative attitudes and discrimination.



Kindergartens supported under the OP to provide an environment for active inclusion in pre-school education (including early prevention of learning disabilities): 1 500;

Children participating in activities for active inclusion in the pre-primary education system (among them children from marginalized communities, including Roma, participating in measures of educational integration and reintegration): 50,000;

Number of national campaigns for motivation of parents form the target group: 6;

Number of national campaigns to overcome negative public attitudes and non-discrimination: 6;

Children enrolled in the pre-primary education system (including children from marginalized communities, including Roma integrated into the education system): 40000;

Relative share of children from vulnerable groups with progress in Bulgarian language from their participation in the operation: 85%;

Group net rate of enrolled in the kindergartens: 79.97%.




The website is maintained with financial support of the Тechnical Аssistance priority of the Programme “Education” 2021-2027, co-funded by the European Union.