Project BG05M2OP001-3.003-0001 Support for Equal Access and Personal Development
Contract: BG05M2OP001-3.003-0001
Procedure: BG05M2OP001-3.003 “Ensuring conditions and resources for creation and development of a supportive environment in kindergartens and schools, in order to provide inclusive training - Phase 1”
Beneficiary: Ministry of Education and Science
Title: „Support for Equal Access and Personal Development“
Duration: 22 December 2015 – 01 December 2018
Total budget: BGN 15 305 495, 41
The project aims to build up educational environment that fosters the enhancement of the potential of each child for personal development, as well as its successful realization and socialization. Its implementation will ensure higher quality and better access to education by creating a supportive environment for early prevention of learning disabilities, including training for children and students with special educational needs and a supportive environment for inclusive education and social inclusion of children with deviant behaviour. The project enhances the coverage of institutions in pre-school and school education to provide inclusive training and build on the past positive experience in this field by hiring teams of specialists for the personal development of children and students, providing manuals, guidelines, specialized education programmes and software products for the education of children and students with various types of disabilities and deviant behaviour.
The activities include a pilot model for early prevention and early intervention of learning difficulties for children at pre-school age, enhancing the capacity of kindergartens and schools to provide inclusive training by building the necessary supportive environment. The project supports the process of inclusive training through the participation of special schools for students with sensory disabilities and mental retardation, providing improved access to information and communication for children and students with hearing impairment by examination and linguistic description of sign language. The project activities envisage the implementation of a new model of organization and functioning of schools for children with mental retardation, which will prepare the process of their transformation into centers for special educational support, as well as the preparation of a new organization and functioning of educational boarding schools and social and pedagogical institutions.
A pilot model was introduced and developed for early assessment of the educational needs of children at pre-school age and for the prevention and early intervention of their learning disabilities. The necessary conditions and resources are provided in 34 full-day kindergartens / integrated kindergartens for early prevention of learning disabilities (incl. special educational needs), for children at pre-school age, irrespective of their ethnic origin, culture and social status. Early prevention of learning disabilities among 1907 children of all ages was carried out. A total of 3 560 children and students are covered in different sub-activities of the project. Additional support was provided to a total of 3 159 children and students with special educational needs.