Герб Република България





Project BG05M2OP001-2.014-0001 Support of Dual Learning System

Contract: BG05M2OP001-2.014-0001-C01

Procedure: BG05M2OP001-2.014 – Support of Dual Learning System

Beneficiary: Ministry of Education and Science

Title: Support of Dual Learning System

Duration: 3 February 2020 – 31 October 2023

Total budget: BGN 24 425 618,58



The implementation of Support of Dual Learning System project will increase the conformity of vocational education and training to the labour market and will establish opportunities for increasing the qualification of future labour force by occupations that have a key role to the economy in the country. The implementation of planned activities will assist to develop the dual learning system and will give an opportunity for close linking between education system and real labour market needs. The project will provide the employers the possibility to hire staff with the relevant professional qualification and experience, attained during the training in a real working environment. These activities will facilitate the transition from education to sustainable employment. The project will support the activities focused on increasing the attractiveness of dual learning system among students and parents, as well as raising the awareness of enterprises. Students at secondary education will be supported to participate in a dual education by enrolling in a "probationary internship” at a partner company. Part of activities is directed at improving the vocational training competences of teachers and trainers and obtaining pedagogical and methodological skills of mentors from the partner enterprises. Consequently, different components related to vocational education quality, including curricula, education environment in the school, better qualified and motivated pedagogical specialist are covered. It is envisaged to organize and conduct information campaigns, contributing to promote and develop the dual learning system.



Number of vocational schools with vocational training classes that have introduces a dual learning system: 147;

Students involved in a dual learning system: 9 800;

Share of students at secondary education, studying at vocational schools from the involved in activities under OP SESG: 55.50%;

Share of students at secondary education that have contract with an employer on practical training in a real working environment from the involved in the activities under operation: 80%;

Share of students from the involved in the activities under operation, who within 6 months’ period after graduation of secondary education have a job, including as self-employed: 68%.




The website is maintained with financial support of the Тechnical Аssistance priority of the Programme “Education” 2021-2027, co-funded by the European Union.